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Following are the important functions, which we use while working with date and time in C or C++. All these functions are part of standard C and C++ library and you can check their detail using reference to C++ standard library given below.
SNFunction & Purpose
1time_t time(time_t *time);
This returns the current calendar time of the system in number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970. If the system has no time, .1 is returned.
2char *ctime(const time_t *time);
This returns a pointer to a string of the form day month year hours:minutes:seconds year\n\0.
3struct tm *localtime(const time_t *time);
This returns a pointer to the tm structure representing local time.
4clock_t clock(void);
This returns a value that approximates the amount of time the calling program has been running. A value of .1 is returned if the time is not available.
5char * asctime ( const struct tm * time );
This returns a pointer to a string that contains the information stored in the structure pointed to by time converted into the form: day month date hours:minutes:seconds year\n\0
6struct tm *gmtime(const time_t *time);
This returns a pointer to the time in the form of a tm structure. The time is represented in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which is essentially Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

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